This is the answer Head Coach Maayan Bouchries received from the municipality of Eilat to the question of why we did not receive funding this year (and this is the 6th year in a row [that we received no funding], only their excuse changes):
"Please find below in response to your question:

The support committee felt that the split in the number of swimming associations in Eilat was hurting the industry and preventing them from receiving grants from the swimming association.”
They forgot to note:
1. The (competitive) swimming discipline in Eilat is dying in the absence of an indoor heated pool in which to practice year-round.
2. The swimming discipline would have disappeared from the city in a few years without Hapoel Jamiim Eilat swimming association.
3. The swimming discipline could have been a very evolved discipline in Eilat if the municipality had recognized our team, invested a little in it and supported us for the last 6 years.
4. The swimming discipline in Eilat has the worst conditions in Israel - truly shameful conditions! If anywhere else had these conditions they would not have been able to bring such achievements to their city.
I have a team of 26 young, highly invested, quality children who give their soul and devote their time to proper and responsible training and the municipality of Eilat just don't see it. The amount of investment, the sacrifice of my family, the parents of the swimmers and the swimmers themselves is unimaginable and the city that should embrace and support is unfortunately simply ignoring us.

Why??? That's a great question. After all, the goal is to leave here quality youth like them, who will have a reason to stay in the city, who want to represent where they live.

Eilat Municipality, Mayor Meir Yitzhak Halevi:
Swimming is an incredible sport, one which is important throughout life!
We will continue to swim with you or without you as we have so far.
We would just prefer it to be with you.
Hapoel Jamiim Eilat Swimming Association.
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