To all the swimmers out there - I was invited to lead a trip to the Maldives on the last week of August (of course I said yes).

I built a creative program which includes a week of open water swimming, diving, training mobility in the water, with some exercises I developed this past year (you can watch videos with examples on my Facebook page), personal videos and improvement of swimming technique and style.
With a few more surprises to come, and the added value of my experience as an Olympic swimmer with over 7 years of training in the USA with fellow Olympic and World Champions and some of the best swim coaches in the world.
Combine this with short stops at the Islands and lots of fun and pampering on a yacht which will take us around and be our home for the week - all inclusive.
The trip is managed by Global Surf/Swim Adventures. For more information contact me directly, you can also contact: +972-9-8855992
I invite you to join me - see you at the Maldives!
Guy Barnea